

篇名 相继记忆模式:展现情节记忆形成脑机制的窗口
並列篇名 The Neural Mechanisms Underlying Successfully Encoding Episodic Memories: Evidence from the Subsequent Memory Paradigm
作者 秦绍正 、韩布新 、罗劲
中文摘要 相继记忆模式在记忆形成的脑认知成像研究领域应用广泛,已成为研究者探究大脑形成记忆时活动的主要窗口。该文在介绍相继记忆模式及记忆形成过程的基础上,分析影响相继记忆效应大小和时空分布的因素,最后讨论内侧颞叶及前额叶神经网络中相关脑区如何分工、协同支持情节记忆形成。情节记忆多维度特性导致该神经网络中有关区域表现出不同形式的相继记忆效应,因此,该文提出有效分离这些脑区在记忆形成中如何分工及交互协同关系进行更为重要。
英文摘要 Episodic memory formation can be investigated by segregating neural responses according to whether the experience is later remembered or not on a subsequent memory test. Based on this kind of subsequent memory paradigm by multimodal cognitive neuroimaging techniques, many previously studies had extensively suggested that neural responses of some distinct regions within the medial temporal lobe (MTL) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) could predict whether events or experiences would be subsequently remembered or forgotten. The subsequent memory paradigm can investigate how the neural differential of those regions based on subsequent memory performance are modulated by variously interactive factors, thereby it helps further deepen the neural mechanisms underlying episodic memory formation: (1) to dissociate the specific contributions of relevant regions in MTL and PFC to episodic memory formation, (2) and to explore how those regions are integrated to support the successful encoding episodic memories.
頁次 401-408
關鍵詞 情节记忆 相继记忆效应 内侧颞叶 前额叶 episodic memory subsequent memory effect medial temporal lobe prefrontal cortex
卷期 15:3
日期 200705
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所