

篇名 在儿童[生活世界]中寻觅德育的真谛
並列篇名 Finding Essence of Moral Education from Children’s Life-World
作者 黄书光
中文摘要 改革开放后中国德育逐渐摆脱过于政治化的束缚,呼唤回归[生活教育世界]。回归真实的生活世界,就必须用儿童熟悉的前进的生活引导儿童向上发展;必须树立完整的生命意识,关爱儿童的内在需要和人格尊严,促使其身心健康成长;融入多元的文化生态环境,养成主流价值取向和人生态度。因此,多元文化的有机统一和主流价值观念的合理重建成为当代中国德育改革与和谐社会发展的基本方向。
英文摘要 Since the reform and opening policy, the moral education of china has got rid of political bondage and called back to life education world. Back to the real life world, it should utilize children’s familiar life to guide them. It should establish complete life consciousness, and care for children’s intrinsic need and dignity, so as to promote healthy growing. It should blend into multivariate culture of ecological environment, and develop the mainstream value orientation and the attitude to life. Thus, the organic unity of multivariate culture and the reasonable reconstruction of mainstream values ought to be the basic direction of the contemporary Chinese moral reform and development of the harmonious society.
頁次 47-60
關鍵詞 德育 儿童 回归[生活世界] Moral education Children Back to the life world
卷期 6:4
日期 200904
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學