

篇名 市场力量与政府规制:大学知识产业化的背景、模式及趋势
並列篇名 Markert Power and Government Regulation: The Backgrounds,Modes and Patterns of Industrializing University's Knowledge
作者 许长青
中文摘要 高等教育与市场有着天然的联系,尤其是20世纪80年代以来,众多因素的共同作用导致高等教育公共财政投入减弱,市场化倾向凸显。知识产业化就是通过各种模式把知识转化为现实生产力,使知识经济化,经济知识化。知识产业化是大学适应市场经济发展和办学水平自我提升的客观需要,是国家知识创新和技术创新的有效途径。发挥市场力量促进知识产业化的同时需要政府的政策规制。美英日等发达国家都制定了促进大学知识产业化的相关立法。促进我国大学知识产业化发展必须不断地完善知识产业化的法制环境,以立法促进的形式确保大学知识产业化发展。
英文摘要 Higher education has established a close working relations and connections with market since it came into being. With the decline of public finance by government caused by various factors since 1980s, it is essential for universities to raise its quality of service so as to adapt to a more market-oriented economy. Knowledge Industrialization which aims to transfer knowledge and turn it into real productivity is critical to construct our national knowledge and technology innovation system. Many developed countries have issued relative laws and regulations promoted knowledge industrialization and have made many achievements. In order to accelerate knowledge industrialization in our country, we must consummate the law surroundings continually from macroscopically, intermediately and microcosmically.
頁次 44-49
關鍵詞 市场 大学 政府 知识产业化 趋势 CSSCI
卷期 6:4
日期 200807
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學