

篇名 合作學習與認知風格對科學學習之效應
並列篇名 Effects of Cooperative Learning and Cognitive Style on Science Learning
作者 林達森(Lin, Ta-sen)
中文摘要 基於教育應因材施教,以帶好每個學生,俾能人盡其才以實現教育改革之旨意。因此,教師應特別重視學生的個別差異,以及如何應用合適的教學策略以達成前述的教育旨意。職是之故,本文探索合作學習與認知風格對學生從事科學學習時,可能發生的主要效應與ATI效應,影響學習成效,主要目的包括:第一、探索合作學習的意義,整理合作學習類型,並分析合作學習運作原理及其教學上的應用;第二、分析認知風格的構念及類別,並特別就場地獨立型與倚賴型比較其重建空間能力,環境認知與適應方式,及人際關係與互動行為表現;第三、再據以探索合作學習與認知風格可能存在的ATI效應,並做結論。
英文摘要 One of the main purposes of education is to bring up well every student to be a good citizen for the state as well as an effective member for the global community. So how to understand accurately of each student’s characteristics and how to teach accordingly are fundamental concern for and educator. Based on this concern, this paper was written with an attempt to explore an ATI effect of cooperative learning and cognitive style on science learning. It is composed of three parts. The first part was organized to define cooperative learning, to trace back its initiation, change, and development, then overviewed the varied types of cooperative learning, and analyzed its working principles. In the second part, this author conceptualized cognitive style as a construct in general, and tackled field dependence vs. field independence style in specific, in terms of its perception reconstruction, environmental adjustment and interpersonal relationship, and interactions. Finally, based on the understanding of two parts aforementioned, this author reviewed cooperative learning effects and explored the interactions of cooperative learning and cognitive style. At the end, a plausible ATI effect on science learning was suggested.
頁次 255-279
關鍵詞 合作學習 建構主義 認知風格 科學學習 Cooperative learning Constructivism Cognitive style science learning TSSCI
卷期 17
日期 200106
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系