

篇名 師徒式專業成長研究--師徒式教育實習可以促使教師專業成長嗎﹖
並列篇名 Might Mentoring Professional Growth Promote Teacher Professional Growth?
作者 陳嘉彌(Chen, Jia-mi)
中文摘要 教育改革過程中,無論涉及整個環境的教育體制改變,或學校組織與效能的改善,其決定是否成功的主要關鍵者多歸諸於「教師」。因此,教師需要不斷地學習成長,其方式之一即利用「師徒式專業長(mentoring professional growth)」的構想與策略,它在「學校本位」與「去集權化」的概念下,透過師徒配對的互動學習方式,在自然狀態中促使師徒雙方改變,激勵出「自導性學習」的動機,進而達到某種程度的專業成長。「師徒式專業成長」可以促使教師專業成長嗎?它必須在三個假設前提下才能回答這個問題:(1)它是一個社會化互動的學習型態,提供給有意願採用「師徒學習」方式的人,且彼此需要較長時間的浸潤及參與,才會感覺到對方的影響、改變與收穫。(2)「師徒學習」是一種人際互動的經驗,這種經驗無論是正面或負面的刺激,參與者會透過自我反省與思考,逐漸建構、調整個人的思維與行為。(3)改變無法以短時間的參與、片段的觀察、或任何形式的短暫訪談及調查,便能確定是否有改變的現象發生。它是一項長時間的動態歷程,需要個體深刻體驗、反省、確認及行為表現後,始能做出是否改變的結論。基於上述假設,本文利用文獻分析、多個案研究法(multiple-case study)與問卷調查進行質化及量化研究。透過文獻、長時間對個案觀察訪談的質化資料、及量化實徵資料,呈現「師徒學習」方式是可以促使教師專業成長與改變的證據,同時提出序列性的可行策略,供有意採納「師徒式專業成長」者參考。
英文摘要 Teachers are the essential role who, decides whether the success or the failure of educational reform, and needs a continuous learning for professional growth. One of the strategies to promote teacher professional growth is to use the idea of Mentoring Professional Growth(MPG).Might MPG promote teacher professional growth?To answer this question, it must be under the premise of three assumptions:1. MPG is a social interaction learning which offers those who have the willingness of adopting mentoring and devote their time for a longer period to each other.2. Mentoring is a kind of interpersonal experience which, will help participants reflective thinking, construct participants’ value and knowledge, and adjust participants’ performance.3. MPG is a longer time of dynamic process in which participants must take commitment, reflection, confirmation, and performance, then changes will be gradually merged.Based upon the above assumptions, this paper was employed by literature reviews, a multiple-cases study, questionnaires to demonstrate both qualitative and quantitative information, which offer evidences to answer the question of “Might MPG promote teacher professional growth?” Additionally, this paper suggested a ordinal strategy that provides the reference to those who would like to adopt MPG in the future.
頁次 135-161
關鍵詞 師徒式專業成長 師徒式學習 師徒制 專業成長 Mentoring professional growth Mentoring Apprenticeship Professional growth TSSCI
卷期 18
日期 200206
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系