

篇名 在學關係與學生申訴
並列篇名 Studentship and Student Petition
作者 許育典(Hsu, Yue-dian)
中文摘要 在學關係,雖是教育法的重要問題,但其法律性質的探討,在我國卻極其有限,導致長期來被認為是特別權力關係。在大法官解釋與教育基本法立法下,學校成員的基本權漸受肯定,使我國的在學關係成為法律關係。在學關係作為法律關係,學校成員間存在著怎樣的權利義務關係?學生的權利受學校或國家侵害時,應透過如何的保護程式,以救濟自己的權利?學生的權利救濟保護程式,其實是以在學關係作為法律關係的前提,所規劃設計的一系列申訴制度。亦即,只有法治國家的在學關係,才會建構出讓成員權利救濟的申訴制度。以下,本文嘗試以學生為思考核心,釐清在學關係的法律性質,探討在學關係的法律適用,而於在學關係權利救濟的保護基礎上,建構學生的申訴制度。
英文摘要 The studentship is an important issue in educational regulations. But researches on its attributes in law are few in Taiwan. As a result, the studentship has been continuingly categorized as a special power relation. However, under the decision of the Lord Chancellor and Education Basic Regulations, school members' basic rights are gradually affirmed. Both of them make the studentship become a legal relation in Taiwan. When studentship is recognized as a legal relation, what rights and obligations should school members have? When students' rights have been abridged by school authorities or the state, what kind of procedures should they follow in order to protect their rights? Student Rights Protection Procedures, in fact, is built on an assumption that the studentship is a legal relation. It is a system that consists of a series of petitions. In other words, only in the countries where rule of law is recognized will school members be provided asystem of rightspetitions. This article will focus on students to clarify the attributes and suitability of studentship in law, and build up a students petition system to protectstudentship rights.
頁次 37-57
關鍵詞 在學關係 學生申訴 權利救濟 Studentship Student petition Rights remedy TSSCI
卷期 23
日期 200412
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系