

篇名 为教育改革中的”保字主义”声辩 ─ 一个中国现代教育思想史的个案考察
並列篇名 A Defense for the “Conservatism” in Educational Reform ─    A Case Study in the History of China’s Modern Educational Thoughts
作者 朱成科
中文摘要 以现代中国教育思想史的维度检视教育改革中的”保守主义”具有积极的历史价值和现实意义。为此,需要对以下几个问题进一歩追问,即当代中国教育界”反传统”究竟反什么;何谓当前中国教育界的”保守主义”传统;以何种思维方式为教育改革中的”保守主义”声辩。以”元理论”思维对教育改革中”主义”之争进行辨识,可以形成的理论共识:超越”进歩”与”落后”的二元对立思维;超越”保守”与”国粹”等同论思维;超越”历史与逻辑相统一”的流俗化思维。我国教育改革中的”保守主义”其存在的思想史意义表现为:指认了”教育改良”是历史的常态,”教育革命”是历史的反常态;有助于形成制衡”激进主义”的力量;有利于滋养新教育学派的形成。
英文摘要 A reflection, in the perspective of the history of China’s modern educational thoughts, on the conservatism in education reform is of positive value and practical significance. Thus, the following questions need to be inspected further. What is really against in the so─called China’s contemporary “anti─traditional” educational research? What is the tradition of “Conservatism” in current China?In what way should the “Conservatism” be defended? Some consensus would be achieved if the controversy of Conservatism and Radicalism in educational reform is viewed in the light of meta─theory:the positive─negative dualism, the concept that “the conservative” are “national essence” and the improperly simplified idea of “unity of history and logic” would be criticized and corrected. The significance of Conservatism in China’s educational reform should not be neglected. Conservatism showed that progressive reform in education is normal while radical evolution abnormal;it is helpful to keep balance between conservatism and radicalism;and it can facilitate the establishment of new schools of education.
頁次 41-46
關鍵詞 the history of China’s educational thoughts 教育改革 Radicalism Conservatism education revolution educational reform 中国教育思想史 激进主义 保守主义 教育革命 CSSCI
卷期 4:2
日期 200804
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學