

篇名 高考替人受過:現象及其本質
並列篇名 College Entrance Examination as a Scapegoat: Phenomenon and Its Essence
作者 鄭若玲
中文摘要 随着高考弊端的越发显现,引发的宣议也越发激烈。许多人除诟病高考自身弊端外,还情绪化地将诸多与高考无关的教育和社会弊端也“追根溯源”到其处,高考因此承受着不公正对待。高考之所以“替人受过”,乃因其具有重要的社会功能和重大的社会影响,并因此备受关注。而高考受关注的背后,财折射出深厚的历史与文化影响,以及复杂的社会矛盾。
英文摘要 As the abuses of the National College Entrance Examination are becoming increasingly apparent, more and more furious debates are arising in China. Many people castigate these abuses, and some even go so far as to impute many educational and social abuses to the examination. The reason for the College Entrance Examination being unfairly “scapegoated” lies in the fact that with its important social functions and great social influence, it becomes a focus of attention. The attention reflects deep historical and cultural impact, as well as complicated social contradictions.
頁次 022-025
關鍵詞 高考 替人受過 社會競爭 College Entrance Examination Scapegoal Social competition CSSCI
卷期 7:2
日期 200902
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學