

篇名 四向度目標導向模式之研究
並列篇名 Study of the Model of 4 Dimensions Goal Orientation
作者 程炳林
中文摘要 最近目標導向的研究者主張以趨向/逃避焦點及精熟/表現導向重新建構目標導向理論,並將目標導向區分成趨向精熟、逃避精熟、趨向表現及逃避表現四種目標。本研究的目的是在考驗依前述主張而建構的四向度目標導向模式是否更能解釋實際的觀察資料,並分析四種目標導向與學習者的學習成就、趨向行為、逃避行為之關係。受試者抽取自臺灣地區九所國中一到三年級共610位學生,所蒐集的資料以結構方程模式法進行分析。研究結果顯示四向度目標導向模式具有理想的整體適配度、內在品質、幅合與區別效度,適合用來解釋國中生的觀察資料。四種目標導向與學習者學習成就、趨向行為、逃避行為之間有不同的關係:趨向精熟目標正向預測受試者的學習成就和趨向行為,負向預測受試者的逃避行為。與趨向精熟目標正好相反,逃避表現目標負向預測受試者的學習成就與趨向行為,正向預測受試者的逃避行為。趨向表現目標正向預測受試者的學習成就和趨向行為,但無法預測受試者的逃避行為。逃避精熟目標如同研究推論一般,比趨向精熟目標有較多不適應的結果,但比逃避表現目標有較多正向的結果。它正向預測受試者的學習成就與趨向行為,但預測力比趨向精熟目標低;逃避精熟目標也正向預測受試者的逃避行為,但其預測力比逃避表現目標低。本研究根據研究結果在理論上的涵義進行討論,並提出未來研究的建議。
英文摘要 In the current study of achievement goal theory a 4-goal model has been proposed in terms of an approach/avoidance focus and master/performance orientation: approach-mastery, avoidance-mastery, approach-performance, and avoidance-performance. This study is an attempt to test a confirmatory factor analysis model of this 4-dimensional goal orientation theory by using structural equation modeling (SEM). Furthermore, the relationship between these goals and junior high school students' learning achievement, approach and avoidance behaviors was tested. The subjects were 610 students from 9 junior high schools. The theoretical model fitted the observed data well; thus this study supported the recent results of research on achievement goal theory. The approach-mastery goal positively predicted learning performance and approach behaviors and negatively predicted avoidance behaviors; conversely, the avoidance-performance goal negatively predicted learning performance and approach behaviors and positively predicted avoidance behaviors. The approach-performance goal positively predicted learning performance and approach behaviors but could not predict avoidance behaviors. The pattern for avoidance-mastery goals was, as hypothesized, more negative than that for approach-mastery goals and more positive than that for avoidance-performance goals. In the conclusion the implications for theory and research are discussed.
頁次 15-40
關鍵詞 目標導向 成就目標 趨向行為 逃避行為 achievement goals goal orientations approach behaviors avoidance behaviors TSSCI
卷期 48:1
日期 200304
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學