

篇名 体悟中美小学家长会——以中美小学一年级家长会为例
並列篇名 Experience and Reflection of Parent - Conference in Elementary Schools of China and America: Take First - grade Parent – Conference as an Example
作者 杨静林
中文摘要 家庭与学校的良好合作和互动交流有利于促进学生身心健康发展及培养良好行为习惯。家长会作为家庭和学校沟通的桥梁,是家校合作,合力育人的主要表现方式之一。通过对中美两国一年级家长会的形式、程序以及内容的比较,我们可以管窥中美两国小学家长会的特点和两者之间的差异,从而对如何提高我国小学家长会的效率有所借鉴。
英文摘要 Parent - conference is one of the effective ways of cooperation and communication between schools and families. Through experience of the parent - conferences in first - grade of elementary schools in China and America, organizations, procedures and contents of parent - conferences can be perceived and compared. Meanwhile, a reflection is made to promote the effectiveness of parent - conferences in elementary schools of China.
頁次 120-123
關鍵詞 家长会 小学一年级 形式 程序 内容 Parent - conference first - grade of elementary schools in China and America organizations procedures contents
卷期 9:1
日期 201202
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學