

篇名 我国教师行为文化的实然诊断、原因分析与对策探究
並列篇名 The Diagnosis of Teacher's Behavior Culture, the Causes and the Countermeasures in China
作者 靖东阁
中文摘要 教师行为文化对于学生的精神世界和专业发展都有重要意义。对实然状态下的教师行为文化进行分析发现其主要存在以下问题:价值取向保守,自身角色偏差;教师行为受到其特殊社会角色的束缚;行为孤立,缺乏合作;教师工作激情衰退,出现职业倦怠等。从历史、现实、教师自身和学校方面分析原因,进而提出应然状态下教师文化的理性追求:教师应该更新传统观念,转变自身角色;加强自身“修学”之功;走向开放与合作;学校应该完善教师管理,革新教师评价机制。
英文摘要 Teacher's behaviors culture is important to students and professional development. There are several problems: conservative values and their role in error; teacher's behavior is constrained by its special social role; act in isolation and lack of cooperation; Teacher's passion recession and job bornout. And from history, reality, teacher and school to analyze the reasons, and pursuit the reasonable Teacher's behavior culture. Teachers should update the traditional concept, change their role; strengthen its ‘Continuing Education'; to opening up and cooperation; School should improve the management of teacher, innovative evaluation system.
頁次 032-046
關鍵詞 教师行为文化 教师角色 教师文化 Teacher's Behavior Culture The Role of Teacher The Culture of Teacher
卷期 7:11
日期 201011
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學