

篇名 從知識領導觀點談教師專業發展
並列篇名 On Teachers' Professional Development: In the Perspective of Knowledge Leadership
作者 黃建翔
中文摘要 在知識經濟社會的時代,知識已成為人類社會發展中最重要的資產,唯有不斷推陳出新,知識才得以適應瞬息萬變的資訊科技世紀。因此,若能有效運用知識領導觀念引領教師專業發展,以建構教師專業發展的學習機制,不但有助教師個人知識的成長及應用,亦可為學校組織注入更多的能量與成效。本文主要在探討知識領導與教師專業發展的重要議題。全文主要分成四大部分,首先論述知識領導之發展背景、意義及內涵要素;其次論述教師專業發展之重要性及相關意涵;再來探討分析知識領導與教師專業發展之關係;最後提出如何以知識領導促進教師專業發展之策略。
英文摘要 In recent knowledge economic society, knowledge has become the most essential asset of human development. Only by continuous innovation can knowledge adjust itself to the information technology era nowadays. Therefore, if knowledge leadership can guide teachers' professional development and can construct the professional learning mechanism, not only will individual teacher's competence be improved, but also will a whole school be instilled more energy and effectiveness. This article is to investigate significant issues about knowledge leadership and teachers' professional development. There are four sections in it. The first one is to discourse the background, meaning, and contents of knowledge leadership. The second part discusses the importance of teachers' professional development. And then analyzes the relationship between knowledge leadership and teachers' professional development. At last proposes some strategies about how knowledge leadership enhances teachers' professional development.
頁次 027-048
關鍵詞 知識經濟社會 知識領導 教師專業發展 knowledge economic society knowledge leadership teachers' professional development
卷期 3
日期 201103
刊名 臺灣教育發展論壇
出版單位 新竹教育大學教育學系