

篇名 《山海經校注》與袁珂的神話研究
並列篇名 “Shan-Hai-Jing Revision” And Yuan-Ke’s Mythology Research
作者 鍾佩衿(Chin, Chung-pei)
中文摘要 作為中國神話研究的重要學者,袁珂的研究重心即在於對《山海經》神話進行詮釋與探討;研究過程中,他認為中國神話在敘事表現上實迥異於西方;他並注解《山海經》的同時,將零碎的中國神話片段整理熔鑄為完整的敘事內容。袁珂於八○年代提出「廣義神話」的概念,造成中國神話界對神話定義與範圍的熱烈討論,這一理念的形成,可從《山海經校注》的注解窺見一二—袁珂以傳說、仙話並少數民族的神話詮釋《山海經》,突破傳統狹義神話論對神話的思考,並揭示《山海經》神話的源流及發展情形,袁珂以「主題式」的論述進行神話整理,呼應其神話研究的思考方向。對於《山海經》的注解,袁珂以「文學」做為研究之核心價值,無論選擇資料、鋪陳注解以及評論經文,皆表現如是中心思想,此亦是袁珂注解較前代注家表現最為特出之處。在袁珂的神話研究中,《山海經》為其重要的討論議題與研究資料,而《山海經校注》的寫作意識與寫作手法,則可說是袁珂整個神話研究具體而微的表現。
英文摘要 Yuan-Ke is an important mythologist in Chinese mythology research. The key point of his research focuses on myth annotation and discussion about “Shan-Hai-Jing.” In the process of his research, he brought out the differences between Chinese myth from Western myth in style and contents. He also arranged the fragmental Chinese myth to become intact.The explanation from “Shan-Hai-Jing Revision” namely presents the essence of Yuan-Ke’s research and methods during his research.Yuan-Ke put forth the concept of “General Mythology” in 80’s; it formed enthusiastic
discussions in mythology definition and scope among the field of Chinese mythology researchers. The forming of this idea really correlated with the process of his explanation from “Shan-Hai-Jing Revision.” Moreover, he broke through the traditional thinking from ‘Special Mythology’ and showed the original relationship of myth from “Shan-Hai-Jing Revision” in order to reveal the changes of myths. Furthermore, the arrangement and
discussion of the topical myth responds to the thinking and methods of
his myth research.In the explanation of “Shan-Hai-Jing”, Yuan-Ke
regarded ‘literature’ as the key value and this is why his explanation is more outstanding than former predecessors, especially in data collection, detailed explanatory statements, and explicit commentaries which all
represent his main idea.“Shan-Hai-Jing” is constant the core of mythology research by Yuan-Ke, and it also plays the role of ‘nutrition’ to his mythology research. We can say that “Shan-Hai-Jing Revision” could be even small but it is a complete presentation of the entirety of Yuan-Ke’s
mythology research.
頁次 001-024
關鍵詞 神話 《山海經》 廣義神話論 《山海經校注》 Mythology Shan-Hai-Jing General Mythology’ Shan-Hai-Jing Revision
卷期 44:2
日期 201010
刊名 人文與社會研究學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學