

篇名 内隐动机测量的新方法
並列篇名 New Techniques in Measuring Implicit Motive
作者 杜建政 、李明
中文摘要 动机测量方法的探讨经历了初期对TAT及其评分方法的怀疑、争论和认同,到对内隐与外显动机系统的概念区分,又开始转向了对新的测量方法的尝试、验证和发展。早期的内隐动机测量以投射测验的“大三”内隐动机计分为主。多动机网格技术的出现,为同一构念下的内隐动机测量带来了新的活力。工作风格测验另辟蹊径,从行为表现入手,使测量结果更为可靠。内隐联想测验则引入了当前内隐社会认知的最新研究方法,实现了更为高效、便捷、精确的内隐动机测量。
英文摘要 The TAT measure of motive and its coding system represent the traditional method in measuring motivation. Although they have been suspected for the metrical issues, they indeed caused the discrimination between the concepts of implicit and explicit motives. Further more, the researcher's also established sufficient reliability and validity. However, new techniques are still continuously being developed. The emerging of MMG has inspired the measurement of implicit motives; and the test battery Work Style gives us another way to make the measurement more objective by observing behavioral performance; while the introduction of the IAT in to implicit motive measurement presents us a more effective, easier, and more accurate method, which was regarded as a milestone in measuring motivation.
頁次 458-463
關鍵詞 内隐动机 外显动机 内隐测量 多动机网格技术 内隐联想测验 implicit motive explicit motive implicit measure MMG IAT
卷期 15:3
日期 200705
刊名 心理科學進展
出版單位 中國科學院心理研究所