

篇名 全球化時代教育改革與發展的另類思考:地方本位教育
並列篇名 An Alternative Reconsideration of Educational Reform and Development in the Global Era: Place-Based Education
作者 洪如玉(Hung, Ruyu)
中文摘要 本文首先指出當代世界變化的一個重要趨勢為全球化,並說明全球化與全球化教育的意義,其次指出全球化與全球化教育面臨的危機,如何解決全球化教育的問題為現代教育重要課題,在諸多建議之中,「地方本位教育」為一值得理解並探討的另類的解決之道,本文探討「地方」概念與「地方本位教育」之意義,揭示地方本位教育所蘊含的解放潛能,讓學生有能力抗拒全球化市場化與同質化的趨勢並成為一個個獨特的個體,作為未來教育發展與師資培育課程改革之參照。
英文摘要 This paper discusses the implications and the problems of globalisation and global education which are significant for many contemporary studies. One of the suggestions to solve the problems might be place-based education which is claimed by many to be potential for resisting globalisation. Hence this paper discusses the implications of the place-based education by means of exploring the meaning of the concept ‘place’. The place-based education might provide clues for future educational development and curricula design which aim to empower students to resist the global trend of marketisation and homogenisation in order to become unique individuals.
頁次 73-82
關鍵詞 全球化 地方 地方本位教育 全球化教育 Globalisation place place-based education global education
卷期 5
日期 201009
刊名 幼兒教保研究期刊
出版單位 國立嘉義大學幼兒教育系