

篇名 我国高水平研究型大学建设亟待解决的几个问题
並列篇名 An Analysis of Problems in Constructing High-level Research Universities in China
作者 刘晖 、谷贤林
中文摘要 当前我国高水平研究型大学建设虽然取得了巨大的成就,但也面临着一些无法回避的问题。这主要表现在:(1)由于缺乏确立教学内容自主权而导致的研究型大学人才培养与其地位及社会要求不相适应的问题;(2)在市场经济条件下,如何协调研究型大学作为象牙塔与服务站的角色冲突问题;(3)如何解决政府控制与学术自由和大学自治的矛盾以建立现代大学制度问题;(4)如何化解绩效管理与学术工作本质特点和学者双重属性的矛盾等。因此能否妥善地解决好言些问题,既关系到我国高水平研究型大学建设和国家的发展,同时也考验着管理者和学者的智慧。
英文摘要 Although the construction of high-level research universities in China has made great progress,    there are a lot of unavoidable problems to be resolved at present. These include: the dilemma between the need for advanced talents’ personality and the uniformity of teaching content under regulations of the government; the contradiction between control of the government on the universities and academic freedom & university independence; the paradox between performance management and the natural characteristics of academic work & scholar’s dual nature; the conflicts of university as ivory tower and service station under market-oriented economy. Whether the above-mentioned problems can be settled smoothly or not is closely related to the construction of high-level research universities as well as the development of our country.
頁次 38-43
關鍵詞 研究型大学 教育内容 社会服务 现代大学制度研究型大学 CSSCI
卷期 6:4
日期 200807
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學