

篇名 多元文化課程在九年一貫課程改革中的省思與作為
並列篇名 The Reflections of Multicultural Curriculum and its Application in the Nine-year Consistent Curriculum
作者 陳美如(Chen, Mei-ju)
中文摘要 以往的教育強調主流、一致,僅符應國家強調競爭力的狹隘理想,而個體的特質及邊緣文化(相對於主流文化)的豐富與美麗,卻無法在教育體系裡彰顯;個體及多樣文化所代表的文化視野,也無法在教育體系中與其他主流文化對話。1998年公佈的九年一貫課程揭櫫了多元文化的精神,因此強調各種文化平等、接納學生不同文化強調文化間的彼此理解與學習的多元文化課程,是未來課程改革的重要課題。本研究首先提出研究者於1999年進入一所具多元族群學校特色的學校,在舊課程下多元文化課程方面的運作情形與相關的問題;其次探究多元文化在臺灣歷次課程改革中的定位,並分析多元文化課程在1998年課程改革的優勢;其次,依據舊有的問題及此次課程改革的優勢,提出未來多元文化課程設計及教學的具體途徑;最後剖析教師在此次課程改革中的定位,提出未來教師如何扮演在多元文化課程發展的角色與教學實踐的途徑。
英文摘要 Traditionally, education used to stress the mainstream culture and consistency, focusing on promoting the competitiveness of our country. In this kind of educational system, the richness and variety of individualities and marginal cultures were not appreciated and multiculturalism had no way to communicate its broad cultural vision. Then, with its emphasis on multicultural education, the Nine-year Consistent Curriculum proclaimed by the Ministry of Education in 1998 showed up as an important turning point. The multicultural curriculum, highlighting the equality of cultural groups, the acceptance of students’ diverse cultural backgrounds and the cross-cultural understanding and learning, will surely become an critical issue in the future educational reform.This article first presents what I observed and experienced in a school with multicultural characteristic in 1999. Second, I investigate the different positions of multiculturalism in the history of educational reforms in Taiwan and analyze the advantages of multicultural curriculum in the Nine-year Consistent Curriculum. Then, some specific suggestions about how to design and teach multicultural curriculum are offered. Finally, I probe into the roles teachers playing in the educational reform and in the development of multicultural curriculum, and suggest the ways to put all these into teaching practice.
頁次 233-253
關鍵詞 多元文化課程 課程改革 學校知識 Multicultural curriculum Curriculum change School knowledge TSSCI
卷期 17
日期 200106
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系