

篇名 臺灣近期教育改革的透視與省思
並列篇名 A Retrospection and Reflection on Recent Education Reform in Taiwan
作者 林生傳(Lin, Sheng-chuan)
中文摘要 本文回顧並透視台灣近期的主要教育改革政策之緣起、始末與結局,以求能夠更看清教改的深層真相,並加以評析探究,且以學者應盡的言責,深作追憶反思。選大學數量膨脹、國民中學畢業生自學方案、多元入學與九年一貫課程四大改革政策為探求對象,分別:(一)回顧改革始末;(二)省察決策的意圖;(三)審察其效應結局;(四)評析診斷其癥結;(五)省思己身對政策之先見。最後並窮本探源教改為何令人失望作綜合評論。據以建議教育改革欲求成功,務須遵守下列原則:第一,不僅矢力於「除舊」,更應用心於「佈新」;不急「解構」,而應先用功於「重組」、「再建構」;第二,重視專業,延聘教育學者、師資培育專家共同參與,精心致力于新制度的設計;第三,避免政治介入太深,尊重教育的自主性,第四,避免使教育淪為利益團體追逐利益的目標;第五,教育改革力求實質,不尚虛有其表的形式;第六,教育改革政策先作評估、試辦與實驗,實驗應講求外在效度,並據試辦、實驗結果加以修訂,使臻完善;第七,教育改革固為促進教育機會均等,惟不只追求表面公平,應講求實質的公平,符合當時社會認定的公平正義,更不能以犧牲追求卓越為代價;第八,教育改革應作系統性思考;第九,教育改革除需設計精密並試辦實驗外,尚須重視文化改造的基礎工程,故須循序漸進,切勿操之過急;第十,教育改革為恆常性的工作,應以平常心處之,遵循經濟原則,期付出最小的社會成本,收取最大的效益。
英文摘要 This paper aimed to scrutinize retrospectively and critically recent education reform in Taiwan. Four major reform programs including "University Outgrowth", "Junior High Student Voluntary Entrance Program", "Multiple Entrance Project", and "Nine-year Coherent Curriculum" were sampled and analyzed respectively following five steps 1.tracing its formation and key points in each reform program 2.reexamiing how the policy was made during policy-making process 3.evaluating the effects and the setbacks 4.diagnosing what the crux of the problems they met? 5. reflecting the views on each program this author expressed or published then. Further, a synthetic comment and prospect was added. Based on the findings ten cardinal principles were proposed for leading future education reform: First, put emphases and make more effort to reconstruction and reorganization rather destruction and demolition. Second, respect the professional and invite more professional representatives to participate in designing new system. Third, keep political interference with educational reform as less as possible. Fourth, free from interest groups taking advantage of education reform. Fifth, substantiality always matters over facial formality. Sixth, estimate and experiment precedes formally enforcement. Seventh, a systematic thinking strategy is required in constructing education reform. Eighth, pursuing educational opportunity equality as a goal never makes the sacrifice of 'excellence'. Nineth, giving enough time for changing culture is usually a prerequisite to education reform, so never try to rush education reform too fast. Tenth, view education reform as a usual and ever-going process and try it to cost less social capital.
頁次 1-35
關鍵詞 教育改革 大學教育改革 自願就學方案 九年一貫課程 多元入學方案 教育改革與學術 Education reform University outgrowth Junior high student voluntary entrance program Multiple entrance project Nine-year coherent curriculum TSSCI
卷期 23
日期 200412
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系