

篇名 大学知识产业化与立法促进
並列篇名 Industrialising University Knowledge and Its Promotion Through Legislation
作者 许长青
中文摘要 我国大学已成为国家知识创新的主体,大学科研从”象牙之塔”走向了经济主战场,知识产业化成为大学的一项重要使命。而法律制度的供给不足,严重制约了知识产业化发展。大学知识产业化专门立法,旨在发挥法律的规范功能和社会功能,建立大学与产业科研合作及知识产业化发展的内在法律机制,调整大学知识产业化过程中的各种社会关系,促进大学知识产业化的深入有序发展。
英文摘要 Currently the universities have become the main engine of national knowledge innovation in China. University research is stepping out the “ivory tower” and moving into the main battlefield of economic development. The industrialization of knowledge has become a key mission of the university. The inadequacy of the legal institutions had led to weak connections between the university and industry ad low rations of research achievements transferred into actual production. Therefore, specialized legislation is urgently needed to provide the standardizing and regulating functions of the law to promote university─industry research cooperation, build the internal mechanism of university technology transfer, and regulate and adjust the social relationships in the process of knowledge industrialisation.
頁次 111-118
關鍵詞 大学 legislation promotion industrialising knowledge university 立法促进 知识产业化 CSSCI
卷期 28:5
日期 200710
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學