

篇名 組合組織教育新況:國際化進程中的投資與收益
並列篇名 OECD Education Synopsis: Investment and Return in Internationalisation Process
作者 張婧婧
中文摘要 全球化和知识经济的发展对高等教育体系提出了新的要求。高等教育系统正经历着重大的变革。在高等教育的管理体制中,教育主管部门应维护人民的利益,确保公共资源在高等院校中得以有效的支配和使用,使得高等教育有助于国家经济和社会发展。在各项政策提议中,重点应放在教育体系与劳动力市场和区域经济的联系上;使得大学与产业的联系能有效地促进研究和创新;参与到与外部利益相关者的制度和体制管理中来保护教育质量;增加院校长期预算中的资金投入;以及与国际化政策接轨。
英文摘要 The increasingly global knowledge economy demands new infrastructure for the traditional tertiary education system. The tertiary education system is undergoing incremental and revolutionary changes. In the governance of tertiary education, educational authorities need to protect and guide public interest to ensure that public resources are efficiently spent by tertiary education institutions. It is expected that tertiary education is able to contribute to the economic and social goals of countries. Thus, it is essential to put education policy in focus on: building a greater connection between institutions and labour market needs; improving research and innovation in business and community development; developing quality assurance schemes for accountability and improvement; ensuring the long-term financial sustainability of tertiary education; contributing internationalization and international competitiveness.
頁次 72-79
關鍵詞 OECD quality higher educaiton return investment internationalisation 高等教育 質量 收益 投資 經合組織 國際化 CSSCI
卷期 6:6
日期 200811
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學