

篇名 高等教育財政
並列篇名 Higher Education Funding
作者 尼古拉斯․巴爾 、喻愷 譯
中文摘要 在所有OECD国家以及很多其它国家所出现的高等教育扩张,既是必要的、有益的,同时也是昂贵的,它需要与其它公共服务竞争政府的财政支出。高等教育财政的重要性不言而喻,但并不是所有国家都充分地认识到了这一点,同时这也是政治上很敏感的一个话题。本文先从经济理论以及一些国家的实际经验两个方面分析高等教育财政,继而从这两个角度审视了英国2004年公布的高等教育财政改革方案,最后在总结中指出了那些常未完成的工作。
英文摘要 The expansion of higher education throughout the OECD-and beyond-is both necessary and desirable. But it is costly, and faces competing imperatives for public spending. Higher education finance is therefore salient to an extent that is not yet fully appreciated in all countries, and is also immensely sensitive politically. This paper sets out the core lessons for financing higher education deriving from economic theory and puts them alongside lessons from country experience. The UK reforms announced in 2004 are assessed against the backdrop of those two elements. A concluding section briefly maps out unfinished business and future challenges.
頁次 71-85
關鍵詞 education funding higher education 教育財政 高等教育 CSSCI
卷期 6:5
日期 200809
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學