

篇名 教育中的虚拟临场
並列篇名 Virtual Presence for Education
作者 「日」保罗.川内
中文摘要 本文通过调研究远程教育领域中和”临场”相关的各种术语,详细讨论了教育中的虚拟临场这一概念。考虑到虚拟现实和扩增实境等远程呈现学习技术的迅速发展,本文对相关术语进行了详尽的阐述,界定和辨别了以下的几个术语:机构临场、学习者临场、社会临场、认知临场、交互临场和教学临场;并涉及了学习临场和教师临场、网络╱在线临场、情感临场和缺席临场。本文将交互距离模型作为理解学习过程的框架,关键的几种临场形式被对应到交互距离模型的四个不同阶段,并通过图表阐述了各种临场之间的关系,以及在学习过程中发生的顺序。本文对这些概念的元分析应该能够帮助教师和学习者更好地理解学习过程。
英文摘要 This paper discusses in detail the concept of Virtual Presence for education, and achieves this through examining the various terms of presence used in the distance education field. It is as exhaustive as can be done given the rapidly expanding field and development of telepresence technologies for learning including virtual worlds and augmented reality. The paper identifies and distinguishes among the terms institutional presence, learner presence, social presence, cognitive presence, transactional presence, and teaching practice. It covers in passing learning presence and teacher presence, internet╱online presence, emotional presence, and absent presence. The key forms of presence are assigned to various stages of the four─stage transactional distance model as a framework of the learning process. The findings are rigorous and useful to understand virtual presence for education, when to use which type of presence, and why. Briefly, institutional presence covers most of the learning process, but not enveloping totally the student. Learner presence starts with social presence which comes into play early on for self─introductions and to reduce any anxieties to allow learning to begin, and cognitive presence takes over to tackle learning tasks. Once some structure is imposed by the Institution, then transactional presence develops to reduce structure and increase educative dialogue with the teaching presence coming in centrally to guide the learning process. These are clearly illustrated in figures showing their interrelationships ,and ordering in the learning process. Teachers and students should find this meta─analysis effective and useful in their metacognitive understanding of learning.
頁次 41-49
關鍵詞 临场 transactional distance mode virtual presence presence 交互距离模型 虚拟临场 CSSCI
卷期 14:4
日期 200808
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學