

篇名 游戏性体验:教师的一种精神追求
並列篇名 Experience of Playability: Teacher’s Spiritual Pursuit
作者 冯季林
中文摘要 游戏性体验是一种沉醉性体验、愉悦性体验、超越性体验和自由性体验。游戏是人的本能需求,游戏性体验能满足教师作为自然人的精神需求,它能使人进行娱乐体验和自由体验。游戏性体验能满足教师作为角色人的精神追求,它能使教师从职业自身中获得愉悦感和成功感,满足了教师自我实现的需求,教师工作最佳状态体验的需求。教师游戏性体验的产生,需要我们创设好利于教师进行游戏性体验的外部环境,进行游戏场的营造,进行信仰育。
英文摘要 Experience of playability is the experience of intoxication, agreeableness, transcendency and liberty. Playing games is man’s instinctive requirement. Experience of playability, which can help man obtain the experience of entertainment and freedom, can meet the spiritual demands of teachers as natural men. Experience of playability can also satisfy the spiritual pursuit of teachers as social men, during which it can help teachers gain the feeling of success and agreeableness from their own occupation. In this way, experience of playability meets the demands of teachers for self-fulfillment and high-point working experience. In order to help teachers obtain experience of playability, we should at first create the external environment beneficial to the experience of playability, develop a game situation and carry out faith education.
頁次 37-40
關鍵詞 spirit experience of playability experience 精神 游戏性体验 体验 CSSCI
卷期 20:1
日期 200801
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心