

篇名 教师媒体道德形象的影响及其原因、对策分析
並列篇名 The Influences and Reasons of Teachers’ Moral Images in Media and Its Betterment
作者 班建武
中文摘要 当前,教师在媒体中主要呈现出神经化与妖魔化这两种对立的道德形象。神经化的教师媒体道德形象,使教师背负了沉重的道德重担,既不利于推广和学习,也不利于师德楷模自身的发展和进歩。而妖魔化教师媒体道德形象,则进一歩恶化教师道德发展的社会与舆论空间,动摇师德榜样的正当性,降低教师的道德自律,在一定程度上带来教师身份认同的焦虑。这种现象的产生,与我国当前媒体权力的重新分配、媒体价值取向的商品化、媒体影像的”超真实”呈现等都有很大的关系。改善教师媒体道德形象的基本思路在于,一方面赋予教师专业组织监督媒体的权力,增强教育媒体人的专业水平;另一方面,增强教师的媒介素养,提高他们对教师媒介文化的批判和反思能力。
英文摘要 Teachers’ moral images are constructed as sanctities and demons by media. The sanctification of teachers’ moral images have such bad influences as putting heavy moral burden on teaches and narrowing teachers’ spirit world, etc. Meanwhile, the sanctified moral images of teachers can’t be learned and generalized well and go against to the development of the moral models. On the other hand, the construction of teachers’ images as demons have such bad influences as deteriorating the public space for teachers’ moral development, dejustifying moral models, decreasing self─discipline of teachers’ moral and brining anxious to teachers’ self─identity. The media─construction of teachers’ image is cause by several factors as the redistributing of media power, the merchandising of value─orientation of media, hyperreal of media image and the problems in education, etc. There are two ways to improve teachers’ moral images constructed by media. On one hand, empower professional institutions of teachers of supervise media, enhancing profession level of media workers. On the other hand, improve media literacy of teachers, enhancing the critical and reflective abilities of teachers to media culture.
頁次 28-32
關鍵詞 moral image media teacher 道德形象 媒体 教师 CSSCI
卷期 19:6
日期 200711
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心