

篇名 个人主义教师文化:误解与匡
並列篇名 Teachers Individualism Culture:Misunderstanding and Correction
作者 郑涛
中文摘要 在构建教师合作文化的潮流中,人们对个人主义教师文化的误解集中体现在将之刻板地理解为消极文化、对之进行简单归因全盘否定其价值等方面。重新认识个人主义教师文化对于消解人们对其特有的固有偏见、选择适当的个人主义教师文化变革方式以及正确处理它与合作文化的关系等具有积极的意义。
英文摘要 In the process of the construction of teacher collaboration culture, teachers’ individualism culture is often misunderstood as the negative culture, is simply attributed to one or two reasons and is given totally negative evaluation. It has positive significance to reacquaint teachers’ individualism culture because it is helpful for people to remove prejudice against teachers’ individualism culture, to choose suitable ways to change the former individualism culture and to deal with the relationship between collaboration culture and individualism exactly.
頁次 37-41
關鍵詞 collaboration culture individualism culture teacher 教师 合作文化 个人主义文化 CSSCI
卷期 19:4
日期 200707
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心