

篇名 課室共通感對「勞動與服務課程」學習結果之影響
並列篇名 The Need for a Sensus Communis in the Classroom in Teaching the “Labor & Service” Curriculum
作者 吳靖國
中文摘要 國內師資培育機構開設之勞動與服務(或稱服務學習)通常規定為必修零學分,但將勞動(有「算計成效」之意)與服務(有「奉獻」之意)相結合可能產生矛盾現象,且「服務」概念中的「自願性」與「必修」揭示的「強制性」更產生了實質上的衝突;故在學生進入服務現場之前,教師應透過「課室共通感」來轉化和建立適切的學習意向,以促其在實踐過程中逐漸化解這些矛盾與衝突。本研究為了解課室共通感對學生學習意向的影響,乃經由問卷、文件分析、訪談等途徑來蒐集相關資料,並發現以「生命體驗」為主軸來結合學生「行動信念」的課程實踐過程,對學生自我成長與人際互動皆產生具體成效,普遍受到學生肯定,且部分學生能將學習模式遷移至其他課程中。
英文摘要 In the teacher education program, the Labor & Service (also called Service-Learning) course is usually a compulsory zero-credit subject. Some may be confused by the meaning and purpose of this course, since the voluntary nature of “service” might seem to contradict the compulsory nature of “labor” and also the fact that this is a compulsory (not elective or “volunteer”) course. Thus the teacher of this course must establish at the outset a sensus communis in the classroom in order to clarify for students the meaning and purpose of this course, and thereby maximize their learning motivation. This study uses questionnaires, documentanalysis and interviews in an effort to analyze the importance of having a sensus communis in the classroom, as far as the learning intentions of students are concerned. Furthermore, the researcher recommends the use of a lived-experience curriculum in the teaching of this course, which will promote students’ relationships in the classroom and promote their emotional as well as intellectual growth.
頁次 1-26
關鍵詞 服務學習 勞動與服務 課室共通感 Service-Learning Labor & Service sensus communis in the classroom TSSCI
卷期 53:2
日期 200808
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學