

篇名 音樂智能搭橋國語學習之協同行動研究
並列篇名 Making Use of Students’ Musical Intelligence in Chinese Language Teaching: A Collaborative Action Research Project
作者 劉唯玉
中文摘要 本研究採協同行動研究法,應用多元智能理論,探討以學童之音樂強勢智能搭橋至國語生字習寫與課文理解學習之教學設計、教學行動及其成效。本研究以字訣、字謎、朗讀、套曲、背景音樂等音樂智能學習與教學策略搭橋學童習寫國語生字與理解課文內容。研究發現:1.字訣法習寫生字教學成效不彰;2.字謎法習寫生字教學成效較佳;3.朗讀、套曲、背景音樂有助於學生之學習動機與興趣,但較無助於課文理解;4.在未找到不同智能與領域內容間之關鍵搭橋方式前,多元化多元智能教學策略可能仍優於以單一強勢智能搭橋學童之學習。最後,研究者並針對研究發現提出相關建議。
英文摘要 This study used the theory of multiple intelligences to explore the possibility of using an intelligence-adaptive pedagogy with pupils in Taiwan. This collaborative action research project was conducted in a third-grade classroom with 17 Amis pupils, whose most developed form of intelligence was presumed to be musical intelligence. Word- Rhyme, Word-Riddle, Read-out, Songs, and Background Music lessons were designed so that students’ could make use of various kinds of musical intelligence in their Chinese language learning, and the effects of this pedagogical strategy were then measured. The results were as follows. First, Word-Riddle is better than Word-Rhyme for helping students to learn to write Chinese characters. Second, Read-out, Songs and Background Music increased pupils’ learning motivation and interest, but they couldn’t help pupils to comprehend the content. Third, it is better to employ multiple teaching strategies than to use just musical teaching strategies to teach Chinese language since how music exactly promotes Chinese language learning is still unclear.
頁次 1-24
關鍵詞 多元智能 協同行動研究 音樂智能 國語學習 multiple intelligences collaborative action research musical intelligence Chinese language teaching TSSCI
卷期 52:1
日期 200704
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學