

篇名 环境即课程——以英语教学为例
並列篇名 Environment as Curriculum : Take English Language Teaching as an Example
作者 宋薇(Song, Wei) 、毛齐明(Mao, Qi-ming) 、雷达(Lel, Da) 、夏静(Xia, Jing)
中文摘要 在英语教学中,环境是一种不可或缺的发展性资源。课程从本质上说也是一种发 展性资源,所以环境也就成为一种课程。我们应该通过充分发挥环境的作用来设计和实施课 程从而实现课程的肯人价值。本文以外语教学为例,对环境进行了分类和意义总结,从新的视 角阐述了环境作为课程,并在教学实践环节中印证了这一观点。
英文摘要 In English language teaching, environment is an indispensable developmental resource. Curriculum, in essence, is also a developmental resource. Therefore, environment is also a kind of curriculum. It requires us to make full use of the environment to design and teach the course so as to realize the educational value of it. This thesis quotes many examples from foreign language teaching • It makes a classification of the erivironment ..and draws a conclusion on its significance. What’s more, it illustrates the view that environment is in essence a course from a new angle and verifies it in the practical teaching procedures.
頁次 076-081
關鍵詞 language environment environment as curriculum English teaching 语言环境 环境课程 英语教学
卷期 8:1
日期 201102
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學