

篇名 從建模觀點探討數學初任教師教學改變及其影響因子
並列篇名 Factors Mediating a Beginning Mathematics Teacher's Teaching: A Modeling Perspectives
作者 柳賢(Leou, Shian) 、陳蕙茹(Chen, Hui-ju)
中文摘要 「理論與實際間的落差」是國中數學初任教師最常遭遇的困難與挑戰,此外,教師也常因未能察覺教學問題,而忽視其重要性。故數學初任教師解決其教學問題之首要步驟即是要先察覺自己的教學問題,並將其問題詮釋出來,因此師資培育者如能幫助教師將其教學思維外顯與詮釋,將有助於教師提升其教學成效。建模的觀點不只提供個詮釋系統,更進一步幫助教師不斷的修訂自己的教學,故本研究採取「雙螺旋研究」方法來進行研究。第一螺旋為「協同行動研究」,其「行動研究」為本研究的第一項引模與建模活動,第二螺旋為「探究研究」,其「概念性工具」的使用為本研究另一項引模與建模活動,透過此研究,研究者可更深入了解數學初任教師教學改變,及影響其改變與不變之因子。研究結果發現:(一)數學初任教師透過雙螺旋引模活動在教學內容規劃上、教學思維歷程以及教學觀點上有明顯的改變;(二)影響數學初任教師教學改變與不變之因子有:教師社群的意見、行動研究的內容、中學數學教師的教學方式、學校文化的壓力、專業權威的影響、概念工具的使用。
英文摘要 For beginning mathematics teachers in junior high schools, "the gap between theorems and practices" is the big difficult and challenge. They often ignore their teaching problem unconsciously. The first step to solve teaching problems is to make them see and interpret their teaching. Teachers' Models are the system to deal with it. So, the purpose of this research is to inquire into the change of an initial mathematics teacher's teaching and factors mediating it on Modeling. We adopted the spiral design which has two model-eliciting and modeling activities to inquire. Finally, we found that (1) there is an evident change in teachers' thinking, teaching content and process; (2) factors mediating the change are teacher community, the content in action research, teaching styles of teachers in junior high schools, pressure from schools culture, professional authority, and conceptual tools.
頁次 163-189
關鍵詞 建模觀點 初任教師 Modeling perspective Beginning teacher TSSCI
卷期 26
日期 200606
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系