

篇名 國民小學教師專業成長指標及現況之研究
並列篇名 A Study on Criteria of Professional Growth for Elementary School Teachers
作者 呂錘卿(Lu, Chuei-ching) 、林生傳(Lin, Sheng-chuan)
中文摘要 本研究旨在建立國民小學教師專業成長指標及了解教師專業成長情形。經由文獻分析,歸納教師專業成長十八個層面八十九個指標項目。透過十九位學者專家進行三個回合之德懷術調查,建立教師專業成長指標十八個層面一百零三個項目,並據此指標編成「國民小學教師專業成長問卷」,抽樣調查台灣區北、中、南、東四個地區七個縣市四十八所學校二百四十二位教師,有效樣本二百三十四人。問卷調查結果顯示:教師自評專業成長十八個層面中較高的五個層面是:溝通表達、專業態度、教學目標、班級經營及生涯規劃;較低的五個層面是:學生輔導、教育改革、行動研究、教學媒體及教學資源。整體而言,教師專業成長現況並不是很理想。在滿分九十七分的量表中,教師自評的平均數約為六十七分,相當於百分制的七十四分。
英文摘要 The purposes of this study were to establish the criteria for the elementary school teachers’ professional growth and by those criteria to evaluate status quo of the professional growth of the teachers. By reviewing related literature, 18 dimensions and 89 criteria in teachers’ professional growth were postulated. Then Delphi Technique was employed with 19 educators as consultant. After three turns of responses, the criteria come out to be as 103 items under 18 dimensions. Following to the criteria, “ The Questionnaire of the Elementary Teachers’ Professional Growth” was constructed for surveying a nationwide sample including 242 teachers drawn from 48 elementary schools, which were located at north, middle, south and east areas in Taiwan. The survey results indicated that on the whole teachers overall professional growth was not idea as expected. However, in specific, the scores of the teachers’ self-assessment of the professional growth survey were much better in some dimensions, such as:”communication and expression”, “professional attitude”, “teaching goal”, “classroom management” and “ career plan”. While on other dimensions, such as :”students’ guidance”, “educational reform , ‘action research”, “educational media” and ‘teaching resources”, they were scored lower.
頁次 45-64
關鍵詞 教師專業成長指標 教師基本素質 教師表現評量 教師評鑑規準 德懷術 Criteria for teacher professional growth Teacher basic competence Teacher performance assessment Criteria of teacher evaluation Delphi technique TSSCI
卷期 17
日期 200106
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系