

篇名 以系統動力學模擬國中生行為特質形成中途輟學之模式研究
並列篇名 The Application of System Dynamics on the Research of Junior High School Students' Drop-outs Caused by the Attitude of Behaviors
作者 李婉怡(Lee, Wan-i) 、張簡玲娟(Chang Chien, Ling-chun)
中文摘要      青少年學生離開家庭、學校造成中途輟學,間接對校園完全與社會的治安帶來巨大的衝擊,已引起社會大眾的普遍關注。本研究結合團體與個別測驗、父母管教態度測驗、賴氏人格測驗、國中生學習與讀書策略量表、行為困擾調查表等構面來探討形成中輟之個人、家庭、學校與同儕等因素。再應用系統動力學理論來建構現階段國中學生身心特質動態結構的電腦模式,藉由電腦模擬來觀察國中生是否具有中途輟學之虞,以協助輔導專業人員及導師們適時的做好預防性輔導及發展性輔導。
英文摘要      The public security and campus safety have indirectly struck by drop-out juvenile students who run away from their families or schools recently. This study developed an analysis model of system dynamics for representing junior high’s physical and mental characteristics in order to simulate, observe and predict the possibilities of drop-out. Four aspects were combined to acquire knowledge of dynamic interactions among drop-out processes for analyzing the factors of the personal, the family, the school and the peers. The four aspects are based on the group and individual tests of a junior high school in southern Taiwan including:parents’ discipline attitude test, Lai’s characteristics test, the junior high learning and reading devices test and problem check list. Besides, the prediction of the simulation of the model will be helpful for enhancing “preventing guidance” and “developing guidance” of counseling teachers to prevent any possible drop-out student.
頁次 47-73
關鍵詞 系統動力學 中途輟學 父母管教態度測驗 賴氏人格測驗 行為困擾調查表 學習與讀書策略量表 團體與個別測驗 System dynamics Drop-out Parents' discipline attitude test Lai's characteristics test The junior high learning and reading devices test Problem check list TSSCI
卷期 19
日期 200212
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系