

篇名 婦女幸福感之研究
並列篇名 A Study on Women's Well-Being
作者 吳淑敏(Wu, Shwu Ming)
中文摘要 幸福感的研究在國外已蔚為一股風潮,為響應政府所倡導「心靈改革」運動,有必要引進國外在幸福感方面豐碩的研究成果,藉此引起國人重視提昇精神內涵及追求心靈成長。另外,在國內積極推動兩性平權教育下,婦女應享有與男人均等開發潛能的機會。因此,婦女幸福感的研究更具時代意義。本研究旨在瞭解婦女幸福感之現況及探討不同背景變項對婦女幸福感之影響。本研究採問卷調查法,以310婦女為研究對象,經調查分析,本研究發現婦女在心理健康、自尊、人生目標及希望之表現尚佳,惟生活滿意與情緒兩層面仍有待加強。另外,年齡較大、有工作、已婚、有子女及有收入的婦女均在幸福感上表現優於年齡較小、無工作、未婚、無子女及無收入的婦女。
英文摘要 The study of well-being is growing into a major area in the western nations. For incorporating the campaign in the Revolution of Mind initiated by the government, it is essential to apply the overwhelming majority of studies on well-being from western nations to Taiwan. Then, Taiwanese people will place importance on enhancing spiritual aspect and pursuing the growth of mind. Moreover, for promoting the gender equity in education, women should have opportunity to develop their potentiality as men do. Hence, the study of women’s well-being will become the most significant issue in recent time.The purpose of this study was to examine the current situation of women’s well-being. It also explored the impact of personal demographic characteristics on the women’s well-being. A questionnaire survey method was utilized in this study. The research subjects included 310 women. Through investigating and analyzing, the findings indicated the women demonstrated higher mental health, self-esteem and life purpose and hope, but less life satisfaction and affect. Also, older, employed, married women and women with children and income exhibited higher well-being than younger, unemployed women and women without children and income.
頁次 119-140
關鍵詞 兩性平權 幸福感 婦女 Gender equity Well-being Women TSSCI
卷期 20
日期 200306
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系