

篇名 影响优秀教师成长的因素 ─ 对特级教师人生经历的样本分析
並列篇名 The Factors Affecting the Development of Excellent Teachers ─ An Contend Analysis on the Excellent Teachers’ Life Story
作者 胡定荣
中文摘要 运用内容分析法,以《人民教育》杂志 2003 ─2005年《名师人生》档目中36位特级教师撰写的人生经历为样本,从影响优秀教师成长的个人背景因素、影响优秀教师职业选择和职业成功的因素、影响优秀教师成长的关键事件进行了定量的描述与分析,结果表明:(1)个人背景因素中性别、教龄、学段和学科因素对优秀教师成长存在影响,入职学历、家庭经济资源和入职学校类型因素对优秀教师成长不存在影响;(2)优秀教师的成长主要受到后天因素中个人的努力、教学互动、专家引领、师傅指导、同伴互助和领导支持的影响,影响优秀教师成长的个人因素依次为教学研究与反思、专业学习、教改实践和教育理想与信念;(3)公开课、教学中的挫折和冲突等关键事件对优秀教师成长起着重要作用。优秀教师的成长需要政府、学校作出制度安排。
英文摘要 The quantitative analysis on factors affecting excellent teachers development such as personnel background, career choices e & successes, crucial events etc. from 36 top─class teachers’ life experience which is introduced by “Excellent Teachers Life” of “People Education ” journal from 2003 to 2005 shows that :(1)in personnel background factors, gender, teaching age, school stage and subject have influence on excellent teachers development;degree, family economic resources and the types of school have no influence;(2)in the acquired factor, personnel efforts, teaching interaction, specialist guiding, tutor instructing, mutual help between colleagues, leader supporting have obvious influence on excellent teachers development, and teaching research and reflection, professional study, teaching reform practice and education ideal play a decisive role in personnel complication;(3)the crucial events like open classes, frustration and conflict in teaching etc. also have important influence on excellent teachers development. The growth of excellent teachers requires government and schools to make institutional arrangements.
頁次 65-70
關鍵詞 名师人生 contend analysis the influencing factors teachers development Excellent Teachers Life 内容分析 影响因素 教师成长 CSSCI
卷期 18:4
日期 200607
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心