

篇名 專業協會在大學創新發展中的獨特作用──美國高等教育信息化的成功之道探密
並列篇名 The Unique Role of Professional Organization in University Development: Lessons from EDUCAUSE
作者 劉永貴 、鄭旭東
中文摘要 专业协会在美国大学创新发展中起着独特的重要作用。本文分析、概括了全球最具影响力的高等教育信息化专业组织EDUCAUSE在美国高等教育信息化发展过程中的历史经验。作者认为:联合各方力量,影响和推动国家高等教育信息化战略与政策的制定,坚持把教学、科研、管理的数字化变革作为大学IT服务的立足点,以共建共享为纽带推动美国大间的IT合作与联盟,是该组织长期选择、形成的三大主攻方向;而在商业利益与教育价值的平衡中引导大学信息化产业市场的健康、持续发展,搭建各类人员之间对话、交流、合作的舞台责是该组织的成功之道。
英文摘要 The professional organizations play a unique role in the development of American higher education. In this article, the authors select the most influential organization in the field of IT in higher education across the world as an example and explore the lessons and implications for our practice. They argue that, the primary successful experiences that we could learn from EDUCAUSE include at least the followings: the powerful influence on strategies and policies relevant to IT in higher education, the focus on digitalization of teaching, research and administration through innovative IT service, the alliance of higher education institutions and various shareholders based on co-developing and sharing, facilitating the sustainable development of IT in higher education industry, and establishing a platform for involved professionals to communicate and collaborate.
頁次 21-24
關鍵詞 EDUCAUSE collaboration and alliance strategy and policy IT in higher education 合作與聯盟 戰略與政策 高等教育信息化 CSSCI
卷期 7:1
日期 200901
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學