

篇名 北京市中小学教师实施安全教育的现状调查
並列篇名 A Survey on the Implementation of Safety Education by Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Beijing
作者 刘艳虹 、王芳 、罗薇 、张毅 、焦青 、顾定倩
中文摘要 采取分层抽样法抽取了北京市76所中小学数百名教师为调查对象。调查研究发现:教师开展的安全教育内容比较广泛,同时也体现重知识轻技能、重预防轻应对、重逃生轻救护、重群体轻个人的四个特点;教师采用的安全教育方式是多样化的,但存在着重讲授轻演练的现象;教师开展安全教育的途径是多渠道的,但存在着重主题轻渗透的现象;安全教育的师资队伍出现了重管理轻培训、重知识传授轻技能练习的主要两个问题;安全教育的资源不足是教师开展安全教育的最大困难。
英文摘要 Using stratified sampling, we choose hundreds of teachers in 76 primary and secondary schools in Beijing as objects of our survey. The survey shows that:The content of safety education is far─ranging, but there are still four limitations which is teachers attach more importance to knowledge than to skills, to defending than to solving, to fleeting than to rescue, and to collectivity than to individual;The methods used in safety education are various, but teachers always pay more attention to teaching than to practice;The modes of safety education are multiple, but the most used mode is teaching the knowledge about a subject. Education in daily life is lacking. There are two problems in teachers training of safety education. Firstly, much more efforts are made on management than training. Secondly, teaching knowledge is stressed but practice of skills is ignored. Lacking of resources is the biggest problem in safety education.
頁次 69-73
關鍵詞 teaching staff safety education primary and secondary school 师资队伍 安全教育 中小学 CSSCI
卷期 20:1
日期 200801
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心