

篇名 困境与出路:当代教师的道德使命
並列篇名 Dilemma and Outlet:the Moral Mission of Contemporary Teachers
作者 陈学军
中文摘要 从现实处境来看,新课程改革在教育目标、教学方式、以及评价方法等方面所做的调整与重构,如果没有教师道德使命的自觉担当与充分践履,将难收其效。然而,社会氛围的功利化倾向、教育制度的不合理安排、教师教育的去道德化、以及教师自身的条件性依赖假设,却为当代教师的道德使命担当设置了重重困境。为了从这些困境中突围,我们一、定要坚定教师改变大环境的信心;二、要做好教育制度的不断调整;三、要增加教师教育中的道德因子;四、要鼓励教师成为积极的道德行动者。
英文摘要 Considering the reality context, the New Curriculum Reform is adjusting and reconstructing our educational goals, teaching approaches and evaluation methods. The realization of all of these aims needs teachers undertake initiatively and practice fully the moral mission. However, there are many dilemmas that prevent teachers to assume the moral responsibilities, such as the utilitarianism in society, the unreasonable institution arrangements, the de─moral teacher education, and the teachers’ assumption of conditional dependence. To realize teacher’s mission and promote the success of educational reform, we should seriously think and resolve these dilemmas. Firstly, we should make teachers confident to change the social climate;Secondly, educational system should be adjusted;Thirdly, moral factors should be added to teacher education;Fourthly, teachers should be encouraged to be active moral actors.
頁次 24-27
關鍵詞 教师 moral mission the teacher 道德使命 CSSCI
卷期 19:6
日期 200711
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心