

篇名 論高等教育成本分攤與國內消費需求的關係
並列篇名 An Empirical Analysis of the Impact of Higher Education Cost-sharing on Domestic Consumption Demand
作者 吳棟 、李樂夫 、劉震
中文摘要 本文主要研究近年来我国教育成本分担机制的建立过程中,居民个人教育支出的迅速增长是否对其他消费存在一定挤占作用的问题,从而讨论个人的教育成本分担是否能够有效地拉动国内消费需求。本文以发达地区、中等发达地区和欠发达地区的城镇居民消费分别作为三组分析对象,以文化娱乐消费作为被解释变量,以收入和教育消费作为解释变量,运用panel data分析进行估计,最终得出了在三个地区教育消费对文化娱乐服务消费均存在不同程度的挤占的结论。在目前社会公平性受到广泛关注,且居民的收入水平不高等情况下,应该继续加大财政教育投入的比例,控制个人教育消费的增长速度,使之与经济和社会发展相适应。
英文摘要 Educational expenditure has increased significantly during the course of higher education massification and other educational reforms since the late 1990s. Some of those policies aimed at spurring domestic demand in the context of insufficiency of effective demand. Nowadays, there are wide debates about educational reforms such as expansion higher education policy, marketisation of basic education and so on. This paper examines whether educational expenditure accelerated the consumption of simply made the households having more preference on saving as a result of precautionary savings motivation. Panel data analysis is used on educational expenditure and entertainment expenditure of three groups from all the provinces in China. The conclusion is that though educational expenditure has a similar general positive effect on total consumption as other kinds of expenditure, it reduces entertainment expenditure significantly in overall groups, therefore the propensity to consume did not become stronger during the process of educational expenditure.
頁次 27-32
關鍵詞 panel data analysis domestic demand educational consumption Panel data分析 擴大內需 教育消費 CSSCI
卷期 29:3
日期 200806
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學