

篇名 技職大學生自卑感受之分析研究
並列篇名 A Study on Inferiority Feeling for Vocational College Students
作者 鄭芬蘭
中文摘要 本研究採調查研究,以叢集抽樣選取台灣地區技職幼保系大學生837位進行迴歸分析,並針對不同自卑傾向組257位受試進行差異考驗,以確認技職幼保系大學生自卑感受的有效預測因素與確認正確分類的程度。藉以探究上述受試在自卑感受、因應策略與生活適應的關係,並進一步瞭解與預測技職大學生自卑感受心理輔導的實務應用問題。研究結果發現,高自卑傾向組在因應策略與生活適應的各個向度,均比低自卑傾向組顯著的差,並有較高的逃避導向。以逐步迴歸確認自卑感受的有效預測變項包括,情緒穩定、專業自尊、尋求支持、情緒與問題逃避、認知調適與問題解決等,而其中情緒穩定是最關鍵因素。再者,本研究之羅吉式迴歸預測模式與觀察資料可以適配。歸納上述迴歸分析顯示,尋求支持、情緒穩定與專業自尊的預測效果最佳。爾後,本研究結果可以提供技職教育輔導實務之參考,未來亦可運用不同研究取向作深入探究。
英文摘要 This article discusses the relationships among inferiority feelings, coping strategies, and living adaptation strategies. The method of research was a question- naire-based survey; T-test, stepwise, and logistic regression techniques were employed. The purposes of this study were to discover the causes of inferiority feelings in vocational college students, analyze the interaction between different kinds of inferiority feelings, and provide alternatives to be used in counseling students. The results of this survey indicate that most significant among the students' inferiority feelings were those related to coping and living adaptation strategies. By using a stepwise regression method, this research further developed predictive models for testing such key factors as emotional stability, academic esteem, supportability, emotion avoidance, cognitive regulation, and problem solving skill. The test results demonstrate that the factors of supportability, emotional stability, and academic esteem could be effective predictive variables to the empirical data.
頁次 67-90
關鍵詞 自卑感受 因應策略 生活適應 迴歸模式 Inferiority feelings coping strategies living adaptation regression model TSSCI
卷期 48:1
日期 200304
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學