

篇名 华夏民族认同的教育思考
並列篇名 Educational Thoughts Concerning Cathaysian Ethnics’ Identity
作者 张诗亚
中文摘要 礼教在完成其从事神到为仁、到独尊、再到科举制、最后到”吃人”的嬗变过程后,在前所未有的现代西方文化的面前,再难担负起民族认同的中轴作用。当礼教不可挽回地日渐式微之际,作为一种群体心理特质的华夏民族认同感之所以能不断生长,关键在于存在着一种能适应其不断生长的基质。其构成要素则是,以汉字为物化形态的民族思维模式和融人文风情与自然风貌为一体的民族文化心理场。礼教失落后,如何树立新的民族自觉,是华人教育必须解决的关键问题。
英文摘要 The doctrines of Li, before the unprecedented Western culture, could not play the central role for Chinese ethnics’ identity after experiencing the evolution of first, God—worshiping—and—serving, second, Ren(virtue, morality, humanitarian role)—exercising, third, monopolized—honored—principles, forth, Keju(imperial examination)—system—figuration, and last, “personicide”(disposal—at—persons by the doctrines of Li). This paper proposes that the growth of the Chinese ethnics’ identity, as a group psychic idiosyncrasy, depends on a root which can be seasoned with the growth of the identity when the doctrines of Li decay. This root is composed of ethnics’ thinking model which is materialized in Chinese characters, and ethnics’ culture and psychic—field combined with humane flavors and natural scenes. The key issue for the education of Hua—ren(Chinese people, especially living abroad), is how to establish the awareness of a new ethnicity.
頁次 99-103
關鍵詞 华夏民族 education of Hua—ren(Chinese people;especially living abroad) Cathaysian ethnics’ identity 华人教育 民族认同 CSSCI
卷期 1:2
日期 200304
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學