

篇名 當我們同在一起:重度及多重障礙學生家長參與班級義工活動之個案研究
並列篇名 Involving Classroom Voluntary Activities: A case of perspectives from Parents of Students with Severe and multiple Disabilities
作者 黃志雄(Huang, Chih-hsiung)
中文摘要 本研究旨在瞭解重度及多重障礙學生家長參與班級義工活動的覺知歷程,透過個案研究方式,探討重度及多重障礙學生家長對家長參與的覺知,以及參與班級義工活動的歷程,並分析家長參與班級義工活動對親師關係與學生的影響。研究對象為一重度及多重障礙班級中的13位學生、14位家長和2名老師,資料的蒐集包括深度訪談、參與觀察、檔案資料和研究日誌,以開放編碼和主軸編碼進行資料分析,並透過三角驗證、參與者驗證和同儕驗證來增進研究的信、效度。
英文摘要 The purposes of    this    study were    to understand parents’ awareness and progress of involving voluntary activities in their children’s classroom. A case study was applied to fnd out the effects among teachers, parents, and students relationships through the participation and voluntary activities.     A class of children with severe disabilities was the subject of this study,    included 13 students, 14 parents and 2    teachers.     The data were collected with    in-depth interview, participated-observation, documents, and research diary.    The open coding and axial coding were used    to analyze    the data collected, and    the    triangulation, member
checks, and peer examination were used to promote the reliability and validity.
The major fndings of this study were:
1.Parents who have children with severe disabilities assented to voluntary activities.
2.The    factors affected    the parents participations    including    jobs,    family, children’s special needs, parents’ health conditions and    responsibilities,    the    teachers’ attitudes    to accept voluntary activities, and students’ respondence.
3.The effects of voluntary activities on parents    included:    to adjust    their educational strategies and attitudes    toward    their child,    to adjust    their mood,    to    learn how    to    interact with their kids, and to promote self-expectation.    It also indicated that involving classroom
voluntary activities can increase parents acquiring support and empowerment.
4.Classroom voluntary activities can also advance    the cooperation between    teachers and parents.    It also provided more human resources to assist and supervise teachers.
5.Parents as volunteers have    interaction positive effects of parents and kids, and also help children with severe disabilities    to    learn    in school, especially,    to generalize    the daily living skills, to raise learning motivation, and to improve individual learning in functional
頁次 75-97
關鍵詞 個案研究 重度及多重障礙 家長參與 班級義工活動 parent involvement classroom voluntary activities case study severe and multiple disabilities
卷期 21
日期 200912
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系