

篇名 CDA方法論的教科書應用:兼論其解構與重建角色
並列篇名 Critical Discourse Analysis for Textbook Research: On Its Deconstruction and Reconstruction
作者 王雅玄(Wang, Ya-hsuan)
中文摘要 本研究旨在應用「社會領域教科書的CDA架構」進行教科書分析,以瞭解批判論述分析(CDA)在教科書研究中所扮演的解構與重建角色。此架構含三個階段:知識論選擇、方法論處置及論述引出。本文據此分析《認識臺灣社會篇》教科書,獲致五個族群意識形態的批判論述:命名論述提供不同族群合法化的分類與認同基礎;指稱論述對不同族群進行優劣標籤化;立論論述建立各族群相對地位與屬性、認肯優勢族類、貶抑劣勢族類;包容與排除論述建構出接納與排斥的論述空間,顯示臺灣社會面對多元族群的矛盾;強化與弱化論述給予不同族群厚此薄彼的再合理化,揭露了未能認肯多元族群的意識形態。儘管CDA仍有其限制,本研究證實其可以作為教科書詮釋與批判的工具,揭露教科書政治的複雜性與文本背後隱含的意識形態,教師若能實地解構課程意識形態,可望重建教師意識。
英文摘要 This paper aims to analyse the textbook Knowing Taiwan with a CDA framework, discuss how CDA can deconstruct curriculum ideologies and how it can do for reconstruction. Five discourses have been successfully extracted. The discourse of nomination officially acknowledges four ethnic groups in Taiwan; the discourses of predication and argumentation recognise various ethnicities by using appreciative language, yet excluding certain ethnicities and discouraging ethnic identity by using derogatory language; the dualistic discourses of inclusion/exclusion and intensification/mitigation exemplify the Government's ambivalence toward Taiwan's multi-ethnic reality—they appear to include and intensify all the groups, yet actually exclude and mitigate some of them. In conclusion, CDA can act as a critical methodology for textbook analysis by giving special focus on the complexity of the politics of textbooks as well as the submerged ideologies behind the texts.
頁次 61-100
關鍵詞 批判論述分析 教科書研究 解構 重建 Critical discourse analysis Textbook research Deconstruction Reconstruction TSSCI
卷期 30
日期 200806
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系