

篇名 Social Cognition Development Theories in Adolescence
並列篇名 青少年期社會認知發展理論的探討
作者 江南發(Jiang, Nan-fa)
中文摘要 大體而言,社會認知旨在研究人們如何理解他人以及決定如何與他人互動的過程。它可視為個人監視、控制、和預測他人行為之能力的發展過程。當青少年從兒童時期轉進成年期時,他們主要透過社會互動瞭解並界定他們自己。本文的目的即從薛爾曼(Robert L. Selman)、戴蒙與哈特(Damon and Hart)、及艾爾肯(David Elkind)的社會認知發展理論來探索青少年時期人際瞭解、自我瞭解、與自我中心現象的發展,並且針對青少年時間社會認知自我中心方面的爭議加以探討。
英文摘要 In general, social cognition is the study of the process in which people make sense of other people and decide how to interact with them. It can be construed as the process by which individuals develop the ability to monitor, control, and predict the behavior of others. As adolescents move from childhood to adulthood of the life cycle, they come to know and define themselves largely through social interactions. This paper, based on the social cognitive development theories of Robert L. Selman, Damon and Hart, and David Lekind, intends to explore the development of interpersonal understanding, self-understanding, and egocentrism in adolescence as well as the issues of social cognitive development in adolescence.
頁次 341-354
關鍵詞 社會認知 人際瞭解 自我瞭解 自我中心 角色取替 觀點取替 想像觀眾 個人神話 Social cognition Interpersonal understanding Self-understanding Egocentrism Role-taking Perspective taking Imaginary audience Personal fable TSSCI
卷期 17
日期 200106
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系