

篇名 國家層級的評量在中小學銜接所扮演的角色:英格蘭與蘇格蘭的經驗
並列篇名 The Role of National Assessment in the Transition between Primary and Secondary Schools
作者 吳麗君(Wu, Li-juing)
中文摘要      本文透過文獻探討與二次分析來探討英格蘭與蘇格蘭的脈絡下,國家層級的評量在中小學銜接所扮演的角色。從書面課程來分析,國家層級的評量應該要促進中小學的課程銜接;但是從實際落實的課程來看,國家層級的評量固然有助於中小學課程銜接的促進,但它僅提供一個沒有血肉的架構。換言之,英格蘭與蘇格蘭的實務經驗顯示:就國家層級的評量與中小學銜接的議題來看,官方課程的宣示和實際經驗是有落差的。 從評量的角度來分析,則國家層級的評量在中小學轉銜之際所能發揮的僅止於篩選、紀錄和選擇三種功能。換言之,其管理色彩遠遠超過專業功能。奠基於分析之上,本研究認為國家層級的評量在中小學轉銜之際所能發揮的鷹架功能相當有限,但是如果權衡各項條件之後國家層級的評量依然被建構了,則必須務實地面對其有限性,並積極地輔以其它多元的措施來協助轉銜。易言之,協助中小學轉銜之策略要丰富而多元,任何一項單一的措施其功能都是薄弱而有限的。
英文摘要      In the context of England and Scotland, this study aims to investigate the role of national assessment in the process of transition between primary and secondary schools. The investigative approach mainly relies on literature review as well as secondary analysis. The paper curriculum shows that national assessment should foster curriculum continuity between primary and secondary schools. However, the picture of people curriculum is that national assessment merely provides a framework without flesh and blood. From the viewpoint of assessment, the national assessment only functions in the dimensions of record-keeping, selecting and screening. In other words, the management function is more emphasized than the professional function. The limitation of national assessment in the process of transition has been analysized. The corollary of this argument is that multiply strategies of transition are needed and the national assessment can only exert a minor influence in the process of transition.
頁次 75-89
關鍵詞 英格蘭 蘇格蘭 評量 中小學銜接 Transition Scotland England Curriculum continuity Assessment TSSCI
卷期 19
日期 200212
刊名 教育學刊
出版單位 國立高雄師範大學教育學系