

篇名 我國教育投入不足的財政能力分析
並列篇名 The financial ability analysis of education input deficiency in China
作者 樊明成
中文摘要 我国财政投入教育的目标在总体上未能实现,造成了公共教育经费的严重不足,这既与政府重视不够有关,也与政府财政能力不足有关,如财政收入占GDP的比例过低;财政负担结构不合理,中央财政能力没有得到充分发挥;经济发展不平衡,许多地方财政困难;几个地区实现了“财政性教育经费占GDP的4﹪”,但这并非其自身财政能力所及。
英文摘要 The financial input in education hasn’t achieved its goal in general in China, which makes public education funds extremely deficient. This not only got some relation with the government, which has not pay enough attention to the problem, but also got certain relation with the low financial ability of the government. Such as financial revenue accounts for little in GDP, the structure of financial burden if financial unreasonable, the unbalance of economic development leads to financial problem in many places; several districts have achieved “financial education funds accounts for 4% in GDP”. Unfortunately, all above are not able to reach financial ability itself.
頁次 56-60
關鍵詞 financial education funds 教育投入 financial ability education input 財政性教育經費 財政能力 CSSCI
卷期 6:5
日期 200809
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學