

篇名 中小学生数学能力的结构及其培养
並列篇名 The Structure and Fostering of Mathematical Ability of Students in Elementary and Secondary Schools
作者 史亚娟 、华国栋
中文摘要 公民数学素养的提高无论对于社会发展还是其个人发展都具有重要意义。为了提高中小学数学教育质量,必须明确中小学生数学能力结构。中小学生的数学能力可以分为两个层次,运算能力、空间想象能力、信息处理能力是第一个层次,逻辑思维能力和问题解决能力是第二个层次,模式能力在这两个层次之间起着非常重要的桥梁作用,并据此提出了中小学生数学能力培养的几点建议。
英文摘要 The improvement of citizens’ mathematical quality has significant meanings in both social and individual development. To identify the structure of students’ mathematical ability is necessary for improving the quality of mathematical education in elementary and secondary schools. Mathematical ability consists of two levels. The first one includes the abilities of operation, spatial visualization and information processing;and the second one includes the abilities of logical thinking and problem solving. The patterning ability plays an important role in bridging the two levels. Based on these results, the paper sets forward some suggestions for the fostering of the mathematical ability of these students.
頁次 36-40
關鍵詞 patterning ability structure of mathematical ability students in elementary and secondary schools 模式能力 数学能力结构 中小学生 CSSCI
卷期 4:3
日期 200806
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學