

篇名 德育研究:学科的独立和开放
並列篇名 Moral Education Research:the Independence and Openness of Discipline
作者 薛晓阳
中文摘要 学科制度在大学中的确立,不仅标志着知识成为可以研究的对象,而且同时还意味着一种新的学术权力的诞生。以学科为界限形成一种拒绝”外人入内”封闭地盘。从这一角度看,学校德育也是一门学科,但至今却没有获得应有的学科地位。德育,作为一门学科的性质和内容常常缺少稳定性,在更多时间里,它是在执行任务或解决问题而不是专业研究。当然,与其它学科相比,德育具有更多的社会责任和实践特征。然而,今天的问题是,不是德育的学科性在抺煞德育的实践性,恰恰相反,是德育的实践性正在干扰和破坏德育的学科性,使德育丧失作为一门独立学科所应有的自主性和探究性。
英文摘要 The establishment of subject system in the university not only indicates that knowledge can be the object of researching, but also means the birth of a new kind of academic power. It forms a closed territory which rejects “outsiders to go inside” with the boundary of discipline. From this point of view, school moral education is a kind of discipline, but till now it hasn’t achieved the status of discipline which it deserves. As the nature and content of discipline, moral education, is always short of stability. More often, it is carrying out a mission or solving a problem but no t doing professional research. Of course, compared with other disciplines, moral education ahs more social responsibilities and practical characteristics. However, today’s problem is not that the discipline nature of moral education is disturbing and destroying the discipline nature of it, which makes the moral education lose the nature of autonomy and exploration.
頁次 102-107
關鍵詞 德育研究 responsibility of discipline independence of discipline discipline of moral education moral education research 学科责任 学科独立 德育学科 CSSCI
卷期 5:1
日期 200902
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學