

篇名 师资比与外部中介对幼儿教师学反思的影响研究
並列篇名 The Effects of Teacher ─ Child Ratio and Partner ─ Mediation on the Reflection of Kindergarten Teachers
作者 刘焱 、刘峰峰
中文摘要 本研究以8名幼儿幼儿园教师为研究对象,采用观察法和访谈法,探讨了不同师幼比和有无外部中介这两个外部因素对教师教学反思行为的影响。研究表明:(1)不同师幼比对教师关于幼儿学习情况的反思有显著影响:随着师幼对比从低到高的变化,教师自发反思的重点从关注教学目标是否实现转向对幼儿学习情况的关注,对个体幼儿的学习情况的关注程度逐渐提高,表明提高师幼比有助于教师因人施教;(2)有无外部中介对于教师教学反思的影响存在明显差异,表明外部支持与合作有助于改善教师的教学反思。
英文摘要 On the base of on─site observation and interview to eight teachers from two kindergartens fro children from 3─6 years old in Beijing, the current research explored the effects of teacher─child ratio and partner─mediation on the reflection of kindergarten teachers. Two results have been found. First, teacher─child ratios can significantly affect the kindergarten teachers’ reflection on their teaching behaviors. With the change of teacher─child ratio by “whole class ”, “half class”, “small group”, teachers gradually focused their reflection on individual child, which means that the small teacher─child ratio and small group teaching are helpful for teachers’ reflection and individualized teaching based on different needs for individual child. Second, there is significant difference between teachers’ self─reflection and mediated─reflection, which shows the support from partners can scaffold teachers’ reflection.
頁次 62-66
關鍵詞 mediated─reflection reflection teacher─child ratio 中介反思 师幼比 教学反思 CSSCI
卷期 19:6
日期 200711
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心