

篇名 以艾斯納(E.W. Eisner)「學術本位的美術教育」(DBAE)為理論基礎探討現今我國國民美術教育
並列篇名 Theory, Practice and Discipline-Based Art Education in Public Schools in Taiwan
作者 郭禎祥 、楊須美
中文摘要 本文以叙述法探讨我国当今国民美术教育课程内容、教学目标、观念、师资、资源等是否反应或配合当前先进国家的美术教育倾向,「以学术为本位的美术教育」-- DBAE(Discipinee Based Art Eaucation)等为理念的教学计画。为了要探讨在这方面的发展概念与状况,本研究主要参照美国、加拿大美术教育文献-Studies in Art Education and Ard Education等归纳的范畴并选择艾斯纳为代表,分析讨论他的DBAE理论基础(DBAE美术教育的四大范畴:1.美术创作、2.美术鉴赏(分析、批评)、3.美术史与文化、4. 美学(审美感))。根据艾斯纳之DBAE为理论架构来探讨现今我国国民美术教育状况。目前我国美术教育在各阶层学校因师资与设备、资源管道的贫乏,以往大多着重美术创作层面而忽略了其它美术鉴赏(分析、批评)、美术史(文化)和美学(审美能力)等艺术全面性领域的培养。以致广大社会大众在高度物质生活中却能泰然无视于生活环境中处处可见的视觉污染,美术教育的功能似乎仍然未能彰显。有关「美术教育」的涵义与教学尚待阐明与改进,期盼能藉此为转型期的国家社会培育出既能为传统文化传薪又能开创新文化境界的明日公民。
英文摘要 The purpose of this study is to determine whether or not the content of art the education programs of the public schools in Taiwan are reflective of the key concepts of DBAE--Diacipline- Based Art Education. To identify and trace the development of ideas in the field, the related literature was reviewed and The Role of Discipline-Based Art Education in America's Schools by Dr. Eisner was used as the rationale to evaluate the current art programs of the public schools in Taiwan in the light of the DBAE prescription that content be balnced among the four disciplines. It is evident that the school art programs of elementary and scondary schools in Taiwan are far from the balanced requirments dealing with the four disciplines, but it is clear that attempts should be made to move in that direction if we are to improve the school art programs, and to better educate our youngster.
頁次 575-593
卷期 33:1
日期 1988
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學