

篇名 現代與後現代課程論爭之平議
並列篇名 A Commentary on the Debate between Modern and Postmodern Views of Curriculum Theory
作者 單文經
中文摘要 若將「現代」與「後現代」的參照架構放在課程領域,探討其涵義,會發現二者之間存在著一些爭論。本文主旨在分析此一爭論,試圖找出爭論的關鍵,並提出超越爭論的建議。本文除分析此二種課程觀的涵義,評論其限制之外,並且指出該項爭論的核心乃在於:課程研究應著重於理論與實務的緊密連接,以便指引班級教學實務的進行;抑或應針對現行學校教育或課程,進行解構、批判與重定疆域以便將課程再概念化,以免課程的內涵失之於狹隘。文末試擬一套問題作為框架,以便指引課程的發展,希望這些問題可以讓課程發展者有機會包容現代觀課程論者所提倡的教育目標,也可以兼顧後現代觀課程論者所強調的彈性、動態,以及回應等特性。
英文摘要 "Modern" and "postmodern" are relative notions based on the concept of "modernity". Scholars seem to disagree on the difference between "modern" and "postmodern" views of education or curriculum. The paper will try to take an objective look at the debate between modern and postmodern views of curriculum theory. It will do so by pinpointing several key questions that need to be addressed by curriculum practitioners. The paper is divided into six sections. First, its general background is introduced. The second and third sections explicate the modern view of curriculum, the fourth and fifth sections the postmodern view. In the final section, the core concepts of the modern vs. postmodern debate are clarified. The author argues that these two views can in fact be integrated to the benefit of curriculum practitioners.
頁次 123-142
關鍵詞 現代觀課程論 後現代觀課程論 課程理論 課程研究 modern postmodern curriculum theory curriculum inquiry TSSCI
卷期 47:2
日期 200210
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學