

篇名 高等教育中国家与市场的关系
並列篇名 The State and the Market in Higher Education
作者 亨利 .汉斯曼 、黄丽
中文摘要 欧洲大学现在失去了昔日的光彩,公共和私人教育支出水平较低是造成其衰败的部分原因;而高度集中的国家管理体制抑制了大学之间的有效竞争,从而使得大学在教育和研究两方面都缺乏进步的动力。对这一体制加以改革都会面临三个问题:政府对大学的掌控程度、政府对大学的资助程度和大学之间的竞争程度。这三个问题既是相互关联的,在一定程度上又是彼此独立的;既可能存在有公共资助但没有公共产权的情况,也可能存在有公共资助和公共产权同时还保持了高度竞争的情况。高等教育不同于其它产品和服务,具有”连带性“特征,这使得大学竞争与效率和公平问题之间存在着紧密而复杂的关系。
英文摘要 European universities are today surprisingly weak. While this is due in part to relatively low levels of both public and private expenditure. Highly centralized state control has resulted in a system in which there is little effective competition among universities, and hence little incentive for improvement in either instruction or research.
Any effort at reform of this system must confront three issues:the degree of governmental ownership, the degree of governmental subsidy, and the degree of competition. While these issues are interrelated, they are also to a degree separable. It is possible to have public subsidy without public ownership, and it is possible to have both public subsidy and public ownership while still maintaining a high level of competition. Higher education is distinguished from other goods and services by its ”associative” character, which has a strong and complicated bearing on the efficiency and fairness of competitive outcomes.
頁次 32-40
關鍵詞 欧洲大学 竞争 monopoly 垄断 european universities competition CSSCI
卷期 3:3
日期 200507
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學